Get Dictionary Identities

get_dictionary(dict_key, g)



of dictionary, options = china1999, china2000, egypt2014, gaysex1980, germany1989, germany2007, household1994, indiana2003, internationaldomesticrelations1981, internet1998, japan1984, japan19892002, morocco2015, nc1978, nireland1977, ontario1980, ontario2001, politics2003, prisonersdilemma, texas1998, uga2015, uga2015bayesactsubset, us2010, usfullsurveyor2015, usmturk2015, usstudent2015


behaviors, identities, mods


average, male, female


the ACT dictionary from actdata


get_dictionary("morocco2015", "average")
#> # A tibble: 1,448 × 25
#>    term     compo…¹ dataset context year  gender instc…²     E     P     A   n_E
#>    <chr>    <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr> <chr>  <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 abandon  behavi… morocc… Morocco 2015  avera… 01 111… -1.81 -1.03  1.2     82
#>  2 abortio… identi… morocc… Morocco 2015  avera… 11 000… -1.21 -0.15  0.18    86
#>  3 abuse    behavi… morocc… Morocco 2015  avera… 10 101… -2.62 -1.96  1.13    65
#>  4 abusive  modifi… morocc… Morocco 2015  avera… 10 010… -0.85 -0.61  0.53    57
#>  5 accommo… modifi… morocc… Morocco 2015  avera… 10 010…  2.36  1.37 -1.51    84
#>  6 accuse   behavi… morocc… Morocco 2015  avera… 10 111… -1.88 -0.97  1.34    61
#>  7 address  behavi… morocc… Morocco 2015  avera… 10 111…  1.52  1.26 -0.64    65
#>  8 admonish behavi… morocc… Morocco 2015  avera… 10 011…  2.58  2.09 -1.4     68
#>  9 adolesc… identi… morocc… Morocco 2015  avera… 11 100…  0.88  0.38  1.33    67
#> 10 adult    identi… morocc… Morocco 2015  avera… 11 100…  1.09  1.35 -0.24    59
#> # … with 1,438 more rows, 14 more variables: n_P <dbl>, n_A <dbl>, sd_E <dbl>,
#> #   sd_P <dbl>, sd_A <dbl>, cov_EE <dbl>, cov_EP <dbl>, cov_EA <dbl>,
#> #   cov_PE <dbl>, cov_PP <dbl>, cov_PA <dbl>, cov_AE <dbl>, cov_AP <dbl>,
#> #   cov_AA <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​component, ²​instcodes