Get Equation

get_equation(name = NULL, type, g = NULL, eq_df = NULL)



name of equation. options are all equation data set keys available in the actdata package (call actdata::eqn_info() for more information)


type of equation. options: emotionid, impressionabo, selfdir, traitid


gender of equation. options: f, m, av


equation dataframe


get_equation("nc1978", "impressionabo", "male")
#> # A tibble: 20 × 22
#>    coef_n…¹ postAE postAP postAA postBE postBP postBA postOE postOP postOA A    
#>    <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>
#>  1 Z000000…  -0.26  -0.1    0.14  -0.19   0.06   0.11  -0.11  -0.37   0.02 000  
#>  2 Z100000…   0.41   0      0.05   0.11   0      0.02   0      0      0    100  
#>  3 Z010000…   0      0.56   0      0      0.16  -0.06   0      0      0    010  
#>  4 Z001000…   0      0.06   0.64   0      0      0.27   0      0      0    001  
#>  5 Z000100…   0.42  -0.07  -0.06   0.53  -0.13   0.04   0.11   0.18   0.02 000  
#>  6 Z000010…  -0.02   0.44   0      0      0.7    0      0     -0.11   0    000  
#>  7 Z000001…  -0.1    0      0.29  -0.12   0      0.64   0      0      0    000  
#>  8 Z000000…   0.03   0.04   0      0      0.03   0      0.61  -0.08   0.03 000  
#>  9 Z000000…   0.06   0      0      0.05   0.01   0      0      0.66  -0.05 000  
#> 10 Z000000…   0      0      0      0      0      0      0.03   0.07   0.66 000  
#> 11 Z100100…   0.05   0      0      0      0.01   0      0.03   0      0    100  
#> 12 Z100000…   0.03   0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    100  
#> 13 Z010010…   0     -0.05   0      0      0      0      0      0      0    010  
#> 14 Z001001…   0      0     -0.06   0      0      0      0      0      0    001  
#> 15 Z000100…   0.12   0.01   0      0.11   0.03   0      0.04   0.03   0    000  
#> 16 Z000100…  -0.05   0      0     -0.05   0      0      0      0.03   0    000  
#> 17 Z000010…  -0.05   0      0     -0.02   0      0     -0.03   0      0    000  
#> 18 Z000010…   0      0      0      0      0      0      0     -0.05   0    000  
#> 19 Z100100…   0.03   0      0      0.02   0      0      0      0      0    100  
#> 20 Z100100…  -0.02   0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0    100  
#> # … with 11 more variables: B <chr>, O <chr>, AE <dbl>, AP <dbl>, AA <dbl>,
#> #   BE <dbl>, BP <dbl>, BA <dbl>, OE <dbl>, OP <dbl>, OA <dbl>, and abbreviated
#> #   variable name ¹​coef_name