Reshape Events DF
dataframe of events
whether your events dataframe is wide (a column for actor, behavior, and object) or long (multiple rows for each event)
if your df is in long format, you must supply the column that identifies the individual event
the actdata dictionary key you are using for your analysis
the gender EPA ratings you are using for your analysis. Should be male, female, or average
a dataframe in the format necessary for applying main ACT functions to the events:
d <- tibble::tibble(actor = "ceo", behavior = "advise", object = "benefactor")
reshape_events_df(df = d, df_format = "wide", dictionary_key = "usfullsurveyor2015", dictionary_gender = "average")
#> Joining, by = c("term", "component")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 7
#> # Groups: event_id [1]
#> event_id element term component event dimension estim…¹
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1 actor ceo identity ceo advise benefactor E 0.71
#> 2 1 actor ceo identity ceo advise benefactor P 3.22
#> 3 1 actor ceo identity ceo advise benefactor A 1.48
#> 4 1 behavior advise behavior ceo advise benefactor E 2.57
#> 5 1 behavior advise behavior ceo advise benefactor P 2.28
#> 6 1 behavior advise behavior ceo advise benefactor A 0.28
#> 7 1 object benefactor identity ceo advise benefactor E 1.97
#> 8 1 object benefactor identity ceo advise benefactor P 1.98
#> 9 1 object benefactor identity ceo advise benefactor A 0.1
#> # … with abbreviated variable name ¹estimate