, R/maximally_confirm_behavior.R
Identify the behavior that would maximally confirm the identities of actor and object pairing
Identify the behavior that would maximally confirm the identities of actor and object pairing
equation_key = NULL,
equation_gender = NULL,
eq_df = NULL,
equation_key = NULL,
equation_gender = NULL,
eq_df = NULL,
events dataframe reshaped by reshape_events_dataframe function with an actor and object pairing
a string corresponding to the equation key from actdata
either average, male, or female, depending on if you are using gendered equations
if you select "user supplied" for equation, this parameter should be your equation dataframe, which (should have been reshaped by the reshape_new_equation function prior)
lowercase string corresponding to the actor identity
lowercase string corresponding to the behavior term
lowercase string corresponding to the object identity
either average, male, or female, depending on if you are using gendered equations
a string corresponding to the dictionary from actdata you are using for cultural EPA measurements
3 digit EPA indicating the optimal behavior 3 digit EPA indicating the optimal behavior
d <- tibble::tibble(actor = "ceo", object = "benefactor")
d <- reshape_events_df(df = d, df_format = "wide", dictionary_key = "usfullsurveyor2015", dictionary_gender = "average")
#> Joining, by = c("term", "component")
maximally_confirm_behavior(d = d, equation_key = "us2010", equation_gender = "average")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#> opt_E opt_P opt_A term
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 1.66 2.05 0.649 actor